Q: Does FIX4U Technical Support provide assistance for products not purchased at FIX4U?
1Q: Does FIX4U Technical Support provide assistance for products not purchased at FIX4U?
A: Yes. FIX4U Tech Support does provide service for non-FIX4U purchases, however, there is a service fee for this assistance. Customers who purchase their products from FIX4U qualify for free basic Tech Support for the first 90 days after purchase.
Q: How much is technical support?
1Q: How much is technical support?
A: FIX4U provides a variety of free resources to our customers including our online Tech Center, Tech Support Email, and a Tech Support Forum. We also offer In-Store Clinics and Tech Demos on most weekends as well as Knowledge Bars or Walk-In Tech Support. FIX4U customers qualify for free basic Tech Support for the first 90 days after purchase, excluding internal hardware installations or advanced networking support. Your invoice reference number will be required for free assistance. Additional assistance is available by contacting one of our technical support representatives through Live Chat or Telephone Support. Your initial inquiry to Tech Support is at no charge, but you may incur a troubleshooting fee for comprehensive assistance - rates vary depending on the nature of your call. Ask your Technical Support Representative for details - we accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
Q: When is FIX4U Technical Support open?
1Q: When is FIX4U Technical Support open?
A: FIX4U Tech Support is open Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm, Saturday 11am - 4pm, and Sunday closed except for reduced hours posted on holidays. FIX4U also provides Tech Support at our retail locations during regularly scheduled store hours. Our online resources are always available.
Q: Does FIX4U have a repair service?
1Q: Does FIX4U have a repair service?
A: Yes. All FIX4U store locations have an in-store Service Department. FIX4U will service most brands available at FIX4U stores. The FIX4U Service Department can also repair products not purchased from our store. For more information about our in-store repair services, visit our Service & Repair page.
Q: Where do I go for a warranty issue with my product?
1Q: Where do I go for a warranty issue with my product?
A: FIX4U provides support for any extended warranty purchased with one of our products. If your product still has a manufacturer warranty, consult your product’s documentation for additional information.